Donovan's Contact Information is: |
Donovan's office hours for Winter 2025 are |
Other times may be available by appointment. |
Dr. Donovan’s Class and Meeting Schedule for Winter
2025 is: |
Meets M T R F 11:00 to 11:50 AM in The Science Bldg. 2902 |
the University sends Classes to Remote Learning or if the Professor is unable
to be physically present, The link below is for Zooming PH 220 Lectures. Note:
This will not be used if Classes are meeting normal in Face To Face
mode. Also Note: you must use NMU Credentials to login to
the Zoom Meeting |
https://nmu.zoom.us/j/96725165699?pwd=dzRZOEo4YmtPVnFoNzJkWHlZM1Vmdz09 |
General Documents and Forms Used Throughout the
Physics Department |
Picture of The Day |
Software Used Throughout the Physics Department |
install these printers: |
the room you wish to install the drivers for and save the zip file. |
all the files from the zip file to a folder on your desktop. For most if you select the desktop as the
destination when extracting a folder should be created with a name of the
Room. For example the first one should
create a folder named Room_2603. |
Go into
the folder and “Right-Click” on the Kickoff file and select the “Run as
Administrator” option. Note: if you just double click on the file you
will get an error message reminding you to run as an administrator. |
will get a message asking if you want to allow the program to run. Allow the program to run. |
program will now run and it may take several minutes, Possibly 5 or even 10
minutes to complete. Please be
patient. |
When it
is completed a message saying printers installed will display. Select ok and the message boxes should go
away. |
your computers Printers and Devices and you should find the requested
printers now exist. |
do not make any Physics Printers your “Default” printer. You are to use these printers for Physic
Course Related Work ONLY! |
note these are Windows Drivers, for Apple Computers please ask your
instructor for additional aid. If you
have any difficulties getting the printers installed consult your instructor |
Software Packages |
Please send any comments or
questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu |
This page
last updated on January 20, 2025 |