**69. What are the x and y components of the vector that must be added to the following three vectors, so that the sum of the four vectors is zero? Due east is the+x direction, and due north is the +y direction.

 units, 60.0° south of west

  units, 35.0° south of east

 units, 23.0° north of east


So we want the following Equation to Hold


This means separately the following two equations must hold




So we must solve for  and



Now we need to determine the angles in terms of a standard coordinate system.  East and North are the standard +x and +y axes.  So our original three vectors become


 units, 60.0° south of west, south of west is third quadrant so



  units, 35.0° south of east, south of east is fourth quadrant so



 units, 23.0° north of east, north of east is first quadrant so



Now find all the components









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This page last updated on January 11, 2020