*22. mmh A car is traveling along a straight road at a velocity of +36.0 m/s when its engine cuts out. For the next twelve seconds the car slows down, and its average acceleration is . For the next six seconds the car slows down further, and its average acceleration is . The velocity of the car at the end of the eighteen-second period is +28.0 m/s. The ratio of the average acceleration values is. Find the velocity of the car at the end of the initial twelve-second interval.


So during the first 12 seconds the car is under an average acceleration given by


Where  is the velocity at the end of this  second period, also this is what the problem is asking for.  .  For the next  second period we have the following average acceleration

Where .  Since we are given  Let’s make this ratio


Plugging the values for the two times


Multiply both sides by


Now solve for






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This page last updated on January 11, 2020