47. Review Conceptual Example 14 before attempting this problem. Two identical pellet guns are fired simultaneously from the edge of a cliff. These guns impart an initial speed of 30.0 m/s to each pellet. Gun A is fired straight upward, with the pellet going up and then falling back down, eventually hitting the ground beneath the cliff. Gun B is fired straight downward. In the absence of air resistance, how long after pellet B hits the ground does pellet A hit the ground?


The total displacement of both pellets is the height of the cliff which we do not know.  What we do know is pellet A, fired up will travel to some max height.  It will stop and then begin to fall again.  When it reaches the top of the cliff, it will have the same magnitude of velocity but now will be pointed down, the same as the second pellet B.  So the difference in time between the two pellets landing is the time Pellet A is traveling above the cliff height.


The change in height for Pellet A while above the cliff is zero so




Either t = 0 which is the start time or

Finding the time from this is




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This page last updated on January 11, 2020