**63. While standing on a bridge 15.0 m above the ground, you drop a stone from rest. When the stone has fallen 3.20 m, you throw a second stone straight down. What initial velocity must you give the second stone if they are both to reach the ground at the same instant? Take the downward direction to be the negative direction.


You must first determine the amount of time the second stone has to reach the ground.  This will be the time difference between the first stone falling from rest to fall 15.0 m and the stone falling from rest to fall 3.20 m.  The time to fall a distance d starting from rest is







So the second stone has 0.94 s to fall 15.0 m  the equation is


All quantities are pointing in the same direction so we can keep everything positive.


Solve for





Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 11, 2020