1. ssm Two trees have perfectly straight trunks and are both growing perpendicular to the flat horizontal ground beneath them. The sides of the trunks that face each other are separated by 1.3 m. A frisky squirrel makes three jumps in rapid succession. First, he leaps from the foot of one tree to a spot that is 1.0 m above the ground on the other tree. Then, he jumps back to the first tree, landing on it at a spot that is 1.7 m above the ground. Finally, he leaps back to the other tree, now landing at a spot that is 2.5 m above the ground. What is the magnitude of the squirrel’s displacement?



The problem is actually asking for the displacement from the starting point to the finishing point, so ignore the back and forth jumps shown and this is just a displacement with a net x-component of 1.30 m and a net y-component of 2.50 m.  Use Pythagorean theorem and :



Squirrell discplacement is


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This page last updated on January 11, 2020