*26.  Under the influence of its drive force, a snowmobile is moving at a constant velocity along a horizontal patch of snow. When the drive force is shut off, the snowmobile coasts to a halt. The snowmobile and its rider have a mass of 136 kg. Under the influence of a drive force of 205 N, it is moving at a constant velocity whose magnitude is 5.50 m/s. The drive force is then shut off. Find (a) the distance in which the snowmobile coasts to a halt and (b) the time required to do so.

Since it is moving with constant speed, ax is zero.


Work – Energy Theorem tells us

Once the drive force shuts off, the snowmobile coasts to a stop vf =0.  The only force acting is friction.




Recall Kinematics equations

Solve for t




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This page last updated on January 11, 2020