**49. A skier starts from rest at the top of a hill. The skier coasts down the hill and up a second hill, as the drawing illustrates. The crest of the second hill is circular, with a radius of

r = 36 m. Neglect friction and air resistance. What must be the height h of the first hill so that the skier just loses contact with the snow at the crest of the second hill?


Free body diagram for the skier at the top of second hill is

Sum of the forces at the top of the second hill are


Just Loses contact implies N = 0 and the equation above becomes


Rearranging we get

Which means


Now skier starts from rest so initial kinetic energy is zero.  Make the zero of potential energy be the height of the second hill.  Again we are ignoring non-conservative forces so we have mechanical energy is conserved.




Now plug in what figured out above


Solve for h




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 11, 2020