**69. ssmThe motor of a ski boat generates an average power of 7.50 x 104 W when the boat is moving at a constant speed of 12 m/s. When the boat is pulling a skier at the same speed, the engine must generate an average power of 8.30 x 104 W. What is the tension in the tow rope that is pulling the skier?


Free body diagram of boat with no skier

Free body diagram of boat with a skier

FB1 is the force of the boat in case 1, FB2 is the force of the boat in case 2, and FR is the force of the resistance of the water on the boat.


Case 1, no skier sum of forces in x direction


Since the velocity is constant at 12 m/s.  This means


Case 2, skier present, sum forces



But we have not been given force, we have power



So plug into tension






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This page last updated on January 11, 2020