8.  When jumping straight down, you can be seriously injured if you land stiff-legged. One way to avoid injury is to bend your knees upon landing to reduce the force of the impact. A 75-kg man just before contact with the ground has a speed of 6.4 m/s. (a) In a stiff-legged landing he comes to a halt in 2.0 ms. Find the average net force that acts on him during this time. (b) When he bends his knees, he comes to a halt in 0.10 s. Find the average net force now. (c) During the landing, the force of the ground on the man points upward, while the force due to gravity points downward. The average net force acting on the man includes both of these forces. Taking into account the directions of the forces, find the force of the ground on the man in parts (a) and (b).


Impulse-Momentum Theory says

Since you are at rest at the end.  The average force points in the opposite direction of the incoming velocity.

Solving for Fave


Minus sign on velocity is due to velocity pointing down.



Free Body Diagram

From this we can see that

Solving for FGround







Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 11, 2020