*23. ssm A uniform board is leaning against a smooth vertical wall. The board is at an angle q above the horizontal ground. The coefficient of static friction between the ground and the lower end of the board is 0.650. Find the smallest value for the angle q, such that the lower end of the board does not slide along the ground.


Situation is shown on the left and a free body diagram on the right.  Since the wall is smooth, there is no friction force along wall, only P which is a normal force.  N is the normal force of the floor acting on the board.  Write out sum of forces and the sum of torques





All are equal to zero since the board is not moving.  Torques were taken with the center of rotation being the point the board touches the floor to eliminate two torques.


Sum of forces in x gives us

Since we are looking for the angle when the board just starts to slip, we need maximum friction.

Sum of forces in y gives us

Combining these two results gives



But we still do not know P so we must use the sum of the torques.  I am going to use perpendicular distances which I have included in the free-body diagram.







Now compare this version of P with the previous one


Solve for tan(q)





Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 11, 2020