DP 1-1 A particular circuit element is available in three grades. Grade A guarantees that the element can safely absorb 1/2 W continuously. Similarly, Grade B guarantees that 1/4 W can be absorbed safely and Grade C guarantees that 1/8 W can be absorbed safely. As a rule, elements that can safely absorb more power are also more expensive and bulkier.


The voltage across an element is expected to be about 20 V and the current in the element is expected to be about 8 mA. Both estimates are accurate to within 25 percent. The voltage and current reference adhere to the passive convention.


Specify the grade of this element. Safety is the most important consideration, but don’t specify an element that is more expensive than necessary.


P = iV, so use the largest possible V and i will give the largest possible P.  The largest V and i will result from being 1.25 times the nominal value.



Possible to get  of power, would imply Grade B!



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on December 26, 2018