P1.3-6 The current in a circuit element is plotted in Figure P1.3-6. Determine the total charge that flows through the circuit element between  300 and 1200 μs.



Figure P1.3-6


As with the last problem, first write out the function for this plot.  Use two point forms of lines and we have four data points for the three line segments.  Using units of µs on the x axis and nA on the y axis, yields slope units of nA/µs.  The four points are (0, -720), (400,720), (1100, 720), and (1100,0). 

We also know i(t) = -720 for t < 0 and i(t) = 0 for t > 1100 µs.





Check limits


As they should.

Since the next section is a flat line we get




And for t > 1100 we have i(t) = 0.


i is in nA when t is in µs.


Charge is found by












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This page last updated on December 24, 2018