P1.5-1 Figure P1.5-1 shows four circuit elements identified by the letters A, B, C, and D.

(a)       Which of the devices supply 30 mW?

(b)       Which of the devices absorb 0.03 W?

(c)        What is the value of the power received by device B?

(d)       What is the value of the power delivered by device B?

(e)        What is the value of the power delivered by device C?



Figure P1.5-1


(a)       Which of the devices supply 30 mW?

Devices which deliver or supply power have the current leave the more positive terminal, so  Devices A and D!


(b)       Which of the devices absorb 0.03 W?

Devices which receive or absorb power have the current entering the more positive terminal, so Devices B and C!


(c)        What is the value of the power received by device B?


Since the question is power received, I would answer +30 mW.


(d)       What is the value of the power delivered by device B?


Since the device is receiving power it supplies the negative amount, so I would answer

 -30 mW.


(e)        What is the value of the power delivered by device C?


Again, C is receiving power so it is going to be delivering negative power.



Power Delivered is -30 mW




Question Part


(a)  devices supply 30 mW

A, D



(b) devices absorb 0.03 W

B, C



(c) power received by device B

+30 mW



(d) power delivered by device B

-30 mW



(e) power delivered by device C

-30 mW



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on December 24, 2018