P 2.2-5 The circuit shown in Figure P 2.2-5 consists of a current source, a resistor, and element A.

Consider three cases.

Figure P 2.2-5

Consider three cases.


(a) When element A is a 40-Ω resistor, described by i = v / 40, then the circuit is represented by

Determine the values of v and i. Notice that the above equation has a unique solution.


(b) When element A is a nonlinear resistor described by i = v2 / 2, then the circuit is represented by

Determine the values of v and i. In this case there are two solutions of the above equation. Nonlinear circuits exhibit more complicated behavior than linear circuits.


(c)When element A is a nonlinear resistor described by i =0.8 + v2 / 2, then the circuit is described by

Show that this equation has no solution. This result usually indicates a modeling problem. At least one of the three elements in the circuit has not been modeled accurately.


(a) When element A is a 40-Ω resistor, described by i = v / 40, then the circuit is represented by

Determine the values of v and i. Notice that the above equation has a unique solution.


Solve for v


Now find i



(b) When element A is a nonlinear resistor described by i = v2 / 2, then the circuit is represented by

Determine the values of v and i. In this case there are two solutions of the above equation. Nonlinear circuits exhibit more complicated behavior than linear circuits.


Solve for v

Multiply equation by 10

Rearrange to standard quadratic form:

Use quadratic formula:




Now find i




(c)When element A is a nonlinear resistor described by i =0.8 + v2 / 2, then the circuit is described by

Show that this equation has no solution. This result usually indicates a modeling problem. At least one of the three elements in the circuit has not been modeled accurately.


Solve for v

Multiply equation by 2

Rearrange to standard quadratic form:

Use quadratic formula:



 only has imaginary solutions so there is no real solution to this problem.


For Linear Model

For Non-Linear Model #1



For Non-Linear Model #2

No real Solutions!



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on December 28, 2018