P 2.4-6 A current source and two resistors are connected in series in the circuit shown in Figure P 2.4-6. Elements connected in series have the same current, so i1 = is and i2 = is in this circuit. Suppose that is = 25 mA, R1 = 4 Ω, and R2 = 8 Ω. Calculate the voltage across each resistor and the power absorbed by each resistor.


Hint: Notice the reference directions of the resistor voltages.


Figure P 2.4-6

For Resistor 1

Ohm’s Law provides

Which can be written as

Note this voltage is negative due to the fact that the positive terminal should be where the current enters the resistor, not where it leaves.

Power is obtained by


For Resistor 2

Ohm’s Law provides

Note this voltage is positive.

Power is obtained by




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This page last updated on December 28, 2018