P 2.5-2 A current source and a voltage source are connected in series with a resistor as shown in Figure P 2.5-2. All of the elements connected in series have the same current, is, in this circuit. Suppose that vs = 10 V, is = 3 A, and R = 5 Ω. (a) Calculate the voltage v across the resistor and the power absorbed by the resistor. (b) Change the voltage source voltage to vs = 5 V and recalculate the voltage, v, across the resistor and the power absorbed by the resistor.


Figure P 2.5-2


(a) Calculate the voltage v across the resistor and the power absorbed by the resistor.


From Ohm’s Law

Power can be found from


(b) Change the voltage source voltage to vs = 5 V and recalculate the voltage, v, across the resistor and the power absorbed by the resistor.


Again the solutions for v and P do not depend on vs, they depend on is which does not change.  So




For both values of voltage of voltage supply, the resistor finds



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This page last updated on December 29, 2018