DP 3.9 A thermistor is a temperature dependent resistor. The thermistor resistance, RT, is related to the temperature by the equation

where T has units of °K and R is in Ohms. R0 is resistance at temperature T0 and the parameter β is in °K. For example, suppose that a particular thermistor has a resistance

R0 = 620 W at the temperature T0 = 20 °C = 293 °K and β = 3330 °K. At T = 70 °C = 343 °K the resistance of this thermistor will be

In Figure DP 3-9 this particular thermistor in used in a voltage divider circuit. Specify the value of the resistor R that will cause the voltage vT across the thermistor to be 4 V when the temperature is 100 °C.



Figure DP 3.9


Voltage divider means

Solve for R




Find RT for T = 373 K

Plug in to find R





Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 24, 2019