P 3.2-11 Determine the power received by each of the resistors in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-11.


Figure P 3.2-11


To find the power absorbed by each resistor you need to find either the current through the resistor in which case the power is  or you find the voltage across the resistor and then the power is


So for the 6 resistor the 0.2 A current source must add to the 0.3 A current source so that the current through the 6 resistor is 0.5 A, so power is



For the 20 resistor is in parallel with the 15 V source, so the power is



For the 8 resistor, since the current in the 6 resistor is 0.5 A going to the right, and there is a 0.5 A current going to the left from the current source.  So the current through the 8 resistor must be 1.0 A, so we can find the power from



For the 5 resistor, the 1.0 A current coming from the 8 resistor, must have 0.3 A go to the left since there is the 0.3 A current source there, so the 5 resistor must have 0.7 A going through it, which means the power is





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This page last updated on January 14, 2019