P 3.2-16 The voltage source in Figure P 3.2-16 supplies 3.6 W of power. The current source supplies 4.8 W. Determine the values of the resistances, R1 and R2.


Figure P 3.2-16


The current provided by the 12 V source is found from



The voltage across the 0.5 A supply is found from



We know the voltage across R2 is same as voltage across the current supply as they are in parallel, so we know that R2 has 9.60 V across it and the two currents must add and so the current through the resistor is 0.80 A and we can find the resistance of R2 from



A voltage walk around the left loop gives us the voltage across R1.



So R1 can be found




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This page last updated on January 14, 2019