P 3.4-4 Determine the current i in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-4.

Figure P 3.4-4.


Consider the 6 A current arrives at the bottom center node and from that node there are two 8 resistors, so the current divides evenly and each resister carries 3 A.  Now at the point where the shorting wire is the 6 A current sees one resistor is twice as much as the other (16 vs 8 ) so the current has 1/3 or 2 A go through the larger resistor and 2/3 or

4 A  goes through the lower resistor.  So since the left side goes from 3 A to 2 A and the right side goes from 3 A to 4 A, i must be 1 A!




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This page last updated on January 19, 2019