P3.4-20. The input to the circuit shown in Figure P3.4-20 is the voltage source voltage Vs. The output is the voltage vo. The output of this circuit is proportion to the input, that is

Figure P 3.4-20.

First combine the 6 resistors to the right into one effective resistance REff1.  The two on the right end in parallel will produce R/2.  Then the three in series become 2.5 R  which is now in parallel with the remaining resistor R



The circuit looks like

Now we can use voltage division to find



Ok, now expand the circuit so that only the right two resistors are joined and have an effective resistance of

Again apply voltage division to find v0



Now plug in






Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 19, 2019