P 3.6-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-1a has been divided into two parts. In Figure P 3.6-1b, the right-hand
part has been replaced with an equivalent circuit.
The left-hand part of the circuit has not been changed. |
(a) Determine the value of
the resistance R in Figure P 3.6-1b that makes the circuit in Figure P
3.6-1b equivalent to the circuit in
Figure P 3.6-1a. |
(b) Find the current i and the voltage v
shown in Figure P 3.6-1b.
Because of the equivalence, the current i and
the voltage v shown in Figure P
3.6-1a are equal to the
current i
and the voltage v shown in Figure P
3.6-1b. |
(c) Find the current i2 shown in Figure P 3.6-1a using current division. |
P 3.6-1 |
(a) Determine the value of
the resistance R in Figure P 3.6-1b that makes the circuit in Figure P
3.6-1b equivalent to the circuit in
Figure P 3.6-1a. |
The equivalent resistor is the
result of adding the 48 Ω
and 24 Ω resistors in parallel |
This equivalent resistance is
then in series with the 16 Ω
resistor so the value of R is |
(b) Find the current i and the voltage v
shown in Figure P 3.6-1b.
Because of the equivalence, the current i and
the voltage v shown in Figure P
3.6-1a are equal to the
current i
and the voltage v shown in Figure P
3.6-1b. |
Since we have now have two 32 Ω resistors in parallel, the current i will be one half the total current. We find the total current by finding the
total resistance. The two 32 Ω resistors in parallel can be
replaced by a 16 Ω
resistor and so the total resistance is |
So total current is |
So the current i shown is ½ A and we can voltage by doing a voltage drop |
(c) Find the current i2 shown in Figure P 3.6-1a using current division. |
So the 0.5 A current sees a 48
Ω resistor and 24 Ω resistor, so 2/3 of current
will go through the 24 Ω
resistor which is i2 |