P 3.6-6 Determine the voltages va and vc and the currents ib and id for the circuit shown in

Figure P 3.6-6.

Answer: va = –2 V, vc = 6 V, ib = –16 mA, and id = 2 mA


Figure P 3.6-6


We can get id from current division.



Now we can calculate the voltage drop over the 10 k resistor which must be the same as the 2500 since they are in parallel.



So since the 10 mA supply and the 10 k are in parallel with the 18 V supply, we must have




For the 2 k and 1 k resistor in series, we know they have 18 V across them so the current through them is


Therefore vc is found from



Finally ib can be found from a junction rule




- sign due to current goes opposite to how ib was drawn.




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This page last updated on January 20, 2019