P 3.6-10 Determine the values of ia, ib, and vc in Figure P 3.6-10.


Figure P 3.6-10


We find ia by first finding Rtot.  10 is in series with 20   which is 30 .  This 30 is in parallel with the 15



So 60 V source is in series with 10   Note from polarity defined for 60 V and the drawn direction of ia, we must have a negative value



Now ib can be found by current division.  Since the resistances split by 15 vs 30 , 2/3 of current will go through 15 resistor.



Note current is going in direction ib was drawn!


This means 2 A goes through the 20 resistor, but since the current is going to the left, the voltage as drawn implies a negative value.





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This page last updated on January 20, 2019