P 3.6-11 Find i and Req a–b if vab = 40 V in the circuit of Figure P 3.6-11.

Answer: Req a–b = 8 Ω, i = 5/6 A


Figure P 3.6-11


We have two sets of resistors in series that are in parallel.  On the right we have a 6 and a 2 in series which is 8 , and we have a 3 and 5 in series which also makes 8 so we can redraw the circuit as

So we now have two 8 resistors in parallel which makes an effective resistor of 4 so that in series with a 20 gives us a 24 in parallel with a 12 gives a total resistance of





Now if we add a voltage source we get the following circuit


We can find itot from



Recall that Reff in parallel with the 12 resistor is 24 Ω, so 1/3 of current goes into the 20 Ω resistor.  SO


Finally i is then result of splitting by two equal resistors so it is one-half of i2





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This page last updated on January 20, 2019