P 3.6-13 Find the Req at terminals a–b in Figure P 3.6-13. Also determine i, i1, and i2.

Answer: Req = 8 Ω, i = 5 A, i1 = 5/3 A, i2 = 5/2 A


Figure P 3.6-13


So we have two pairs of resistors in parallel.  The pair of 2 resistors becomes an equivalent 1 resistor.  The 12 and the 6 become



So we have now 4 resistors or effective resistors in series and the total resistance between a and b is



So i can be found from



i1 comes from current division



i2 also comes from current division.  Since the two resistors are equal though, the current will split evenly, so





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This page last updated on January 21, 2019