P 3.8-4 The circuit of Figure P 3.8-4 represents an auto’s electrical system. A report states that  iH = 9 A,   iB = –9 A,   and   iA = 19.1 A.  Verify that this result is correct.


Hint: Verify that KCL is satisfied at each node and that KVL is satisfied around each loop.


Figure P 3.8-4


Using the given values, at the left node we should have




Clearly the currents are wrong.  Write out Kirckhoff’s laws


Junction Rule


First Loop (top loop, start at lower left go CW)



Second Loop (bottom loop, start at lower left go CW)



So rewrite these equations into standard form





Now put these equations into MATLAB and get solution


Ans =

'iA = 16.7568 A'

'iB = -6.4865 A'

'iH = 10.2703 A'

Clearly the report was wrong!


MATLAB Code follows:


%Program to solve PH 320 Homework Problem P3.8-4

%version 2019-01-21 DW Donovan

clear all;


RR = [1 1 -1;0 0.05 1.2;0.1 -0.05 0];

VV = [0 12 2]';


ii = RR\VV;

ia = ii(1);

ib = ii(2);

iH = ii(3);


Ans = {['iA = ' num2str(ia) ' A']

    ['iB = ' num2str(ib) ' A']

    ['iH = ' num2str(iH) ' A']}



    Ans =

    'iA = 16.7568 A'

    'iB = -6.4865 A'

    'iH = 10.2703 A'




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on January 21, 2019