P 4.3-2 The voltages va, vb, vc, and vd in Figure P 4.3-2 are the node voltages corresponding to nodes a, b, c, and d. The current i is the current in a short circuit connected between nodes b and c. Determine the values of va, vb, vc, and vd and of i.

Answer: va = –12 V, vb = vc = 4 V, vd = –4 V, i = 2 mA

Figure P 4.3-2


At Node a, you have a fixed voltage source, so we get


Nodes b and c are shorted and the presence of the voltage source between c and d makes a Supernode of b-c-d. so we know the following equations










To find i use a current junction





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This page last updated on January 29, 2019