P 4.6-10 The mesh currents in the circuit shown in Figure P 4.6-10 are

i1 = –2.2213 A,  i2 = 0.7787 A,  and  i3 = 0.0770 A

(a) Determine the values of the resistances R1 and R3.

(b) Determine the value of the power supplied by the current source.


Figure P 4.6-10


We have one Supermesh between i1 and i2.  The two equations are:




Remaining i3 mesh equation is



Use second equation to solve for R1






Using the third equation we can solve for R3








To get power of current source we can do a voltage walk to determine vs across Is


Left loop



Check with right loop





Power is






Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 2, 2019