P 4.8-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 4.8-2 has two inputs, vs and is, and one output vo. The output is related to the inputs by the equation vo = ais + bvs where a and b are constants to be determined. Determine the values a and b by

(a) writing and solving mesh equations and

(b) writing and solving node equations.


Figure P 4.8-1

Identify Mesh Currents and Voltage Nodes

(a) writing and solving mesh equations and


Since there is a current source, the left loop just has a current of is in it.  Now the two other loop mesh equations:




Now we find v0 from relationship




Using the second mesh equation we can solve for i2




Plug this into v0 equation





(b) writing and solving node equations.

Writing out node equations



vc and v0 form a supernode and have the following two equations





Solve this equation for va



Plug this into va node equation






Now use other supernode equation




Now solve for v0





As we had before




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 6, 2019