P 4.11-4 Computer analysis of the circuit shown in Figure P 4.10-4 indicates that the mesh currents are  i1 = 2 A, i2 = 4 A, and i3 = 3 A.  Verify that this analysis is correct.

Hint: Use the mesh currents to calculate the element voltages. Verify that KVL is satisfied for each mesh.


Figure P 4.11-4


So Checking voltage walks, first top loop.  Start at node above 28 V source and walk clockwise.




So Good!


Bottom Left Loop, again start above the 28 V source and go clockwise






So No, Mesh Analysis is wrong!


Do Mesh Analysis, the equations are





Put into MATLAB and the correct Mesh currents are



MATLAB Code Follows:

%Program to solve PH 320 Homework Problem P4.11-4

%version 2019-02-07 DW Donovan

clear all;


RR = [(12+10+4) -(10) -(4);

    -(10) (10+8) -(8);

    -(4) -(8) (4+8)];


VV = [0 -28 -4]';



i1 = II(1);

i2 = II(2);

i3 = II(3);


Ans = {['i1 is ' num2str(i1) ' A'];

    ['i2 is ' num2str(i2) ' A'];

    ['i3 is ' num2str(i3) ' A']};




Ans =

    'i1 is -2.6667 A'

    'i2 is -5.0877 A'

    'i3 is -4.614 A'




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 7, 2019