DP 5-2 The circuit shown in Figure DP 5.2a has four unspecified circuit parameters: is, R1, R2, and R3. To design this circuit, we must specify the values of these four parameters. The graph shown in Figure DP 5-2b describes a relationship between the current i and the voltage v. Specify values of is, R1, R2, and R3 that cause the current i and the voltage v in Figure DP5-2a to satisfy the relationship described by the graph in Figure DP 5-2b.


First Hint: Calculate the open-circuit voltage, voc, and the Thévenin resistance, Rt, of the part of the circuit to the left of the terminals in Figure DP 5-2a.


Second Hint: The equation representing the straight line in Figure DP 5-2b is

That is, the slope of the line is equal to –1 times the Thévenin resistance and the

v-intercept” is equal to the open-circuit voltage.


Third Hint: There is more than one correct answer to this problem. Try setting both R3 and R1 +R2 equal to twice the slope of the graph in Figure DP 5-2b.


Figure DP 5-2


First let’s get the equation from the plot.  Use two point form of line.



Use the points (-6, 0) and (0, -3) as the two points. 




Now compare with equation

We can identify

Since the units are Volts/mA these are k




Now to get Rt we would deactivate the power source and we would have

We have R1 and R2 in series so we add them and then they are in parallel with R3 so we get



From result above first condition is


To find open circuit voltage we have


We can find the current in i3 by using current division


So is

Our second condition is


Recall Third Hint: There is more than one correct answer to this problem. Try setting both R3 and R1 +R2 equal to twice the slope of the graph in Figure DP 5-2b.

This means




Check Rt



Using the other condition we can get is





One possible solution


Another possible solution


Other Solutions possible



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 9, 2019