P 5.2-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 5.2-1a has been divided into two parts. The circuit shown in Figure P 5.2-1b was obtained by simplifying the part to the right of the terminals using source transformations. The part of the circuit to the left of the terminals was not changed.

(a) Determine the values of Rt and vt in Figure P 5.2-1b.

(b) Determine the values of the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1b. The circuit in Figure P 5.2-1b is equivalent to the circuit in Figure P 5.2-1a. Consequently, the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1a have the same values as do the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1b.

(c) Determine the value of the current ia in Figure P 5.2-1a.



Figure P 5.2-1

(a) Determine the values of Rt and vt in Figure P 5.2-1b.

First transform





Combine back into circuit we get

Which can be simplified to


Now do another source transformation and we get



This can be simplified to

Do one final source transformation and the full circuit looks like

From this it is obvious that



(b) Determine the values of the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1b. The circuit in Figure P 5.2-1b is equivalent to the circuit in Figure P 5.2-1a. Consequently, the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1a have the same values as do the current i and the voltage v in Figure P 5.2-1b.


Do a voltage walk about the last circuit.  Start below 9 V source and go clockwise





We can find v from the voltage walk


(c) Determine the value of the current ia in Figure P 5.2-1a.





Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 16, 2019