P 5.2-7 The equivalent circuit in Figure P5.2-7 is obtained from the original circuit using source transformations and equivalent resistances.  (The lower case letters a and b identify the nodes of the capacitor in both the original and equivalent circuits.)  Determine the values of Ra, Va, Rb and I b in the equivalent circuit.


Figure P 5.2-7


Let’s start on the left.  The 2.2 A source and the 10 resistor can be transformed into a 22 V source in series with the 10 resistor and the left side of the circuit now looks like

This can be simplified to

Now go to the right side.  The 36 V source and the 18 resistor can be source transformed to

This can be simplified to


So the transformed circuit now looks like

So by comparison with the equivalent circuit we can identify




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This page last updated on February 17, 2019