P 5.2-9 Determine the value of the power supplied by the current source in the circuit shown in Figure P 5.2-9.


Figure P 5.2-9


First transform the 32 V and the 24 resistor into in parallel current source and 24 resistor in parallel with 12 resistor


Combine resistors

So we have

Which can be transformed to

This connects to the 25 resistor as

Which can be simplified and transformed to

Now working on the left end of circuit we can do the source transformation of


So now putting these two pieces to the 2 A source we have

Rearranging components

Simplifying except for the 2 A supply, since we want the power that supplies!

Now do one more source transformation and we have

Due to direction of current the voltage source is absorbing power, so the power dissipated by the resistor and the power absorbed by voltage source equals power supplied by current source.






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This page last updated on February 17, 2019