P5.3-3 The circuit shown in Figure P5.3-3 has two inputs, vs and is, and one output io.  The output is related to the inputs by the equation

Given the following two facts:

The output is io = 0.45 A when the inputs are  is = 0.25 A and vs = 15 V.


The output is io = 0.30 A when the inputs are  is = 0.50 A and vs = 0 V.

Determine the values of the constants a and b and the values of the resistances are R 1 and

R 2.

Answers: a =  0.6  A/A,  b =  0.02  A/V,  R 1 =  30  W and  R 2 =  20  W.



Figure P 5.3-3


To find the coefficients a and b we can use superposition, so we can first turn off the current source and the circuit becomes

Since we have a series circuit we can find  by doing a voltage walk.  Start below  and go clockwise.

Solve for

So b must be


To get a we now shut off the voltage source and we have the circuit


This time we can do current division



So b must be


So now we have for



Now we can use the given facts or conditions





Solving the second equation we can find a


Now we can find b





Now we can use values of a and b we can find the two resistances





Solve for

Now solve for






Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 18, 2019