P 5.3-13 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 5.3-13 is the current i1.  The output is the voltage v0.  The current i2 is used to adjust the relationship between input and output.  Determine values of current i2 and resistance R, that cause the output to be related to the input by the equation



Figure P 5.3-13


If we deactivate i2 the circuit becomes

We can simplify this circuit by adding the R and 4 resistor in parallel and the two 8 Ω resistors are in parallel.  So we find the two effective resistors




Putting these in our circuit becomes




- sign due to polarization provided.  We find i2 from current division






If we deactivate i1 the circuit becomes

We still have the two pairs of parallel resistors so the circuit becomes



This time polarization gives us a + sign.  We find i2 from current division









This yields equations




The first equation gives us R





Now we plug that in to second equation and we can solve for i2



Solving for i2




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on February 28, 2019