P 5.4-1 Determine values of Rt and voc that cause the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-1b to be the Thévenin equivalent circuit of the circuit in Figure P 5.4-1a.

Hint: Use source transformations and equivalent resistances to reduce the circuit in Figure P 5.4-1a until it is the circuit in Figure P 5.4-1b.

Answer: Rt = 5 Ω and voc = 2 V



Figure P 5.4-1


As Hint suggest if we do a source transformation on the 12 V supply and the 3 Ω resistor we get the following circuit

We can add the two resistors in parallel and get



We can also add the two current sources in parallel and get


So the circuit now looks like


Now we can do another source transformation with the 1 A supply and the 2 resistor and we get

Simplifying we have

Comparing this to the (b) circuit we can identify




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This page last updated on March 6, 2019