P 5.4-3 The circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-3b is the Thévenin equivalent circuit of the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-3a. Find the value of the open-circuit voltage, voc, and Thévenin resistance, Rt.

Answer: voc = 2 V and Rt = 4 Ω



Figure P 5.4-3


First do a source transformation on 1 A supply and the 6 resistor and the circuit becomes

Now we can combine the 6 V and 12 V power supplies and add the two 6 resistors in series and the circuit becomes

Now do another source transformation and the circuit transforms to

Now we can add the two parallel resistors



Our circuit now looks like

Do one more transformation and we have our Thevenin equivalent circuit




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This page last updated on March 6, 2019