P 5.4-4 Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-4.



Figure P 5.4-4


To find the Thevenin equivalent circuit we need the , Thevenin resistance and the open circuit voltage at a-b, .  We get the Thevenin Resistance by deactivating the power sources and finding the resistance between a and b.  Deactivating the 18 V supply leaves us with the circuit

We can see the 6 and the 3 resistors are in parallel and can be replaced by the equivalent resistance


So the circuit now looks like

We can add the 2 and the 10 in series and we have

Combining the two 12 in parallel provides a Thevenin resistance of




Now to get  we take our circuit, identify mesh currents

Do a voltage walk to find



Write out Mesh Equations




Use MATAB to solve for , , and use those to solve for








And the Thevenin Circuit looks like

MATLAB Work Follows:


%Program to solve PH 320 Homework Problem P5.4-4

%version 2019-03-06 DW Donovan

clear all;


RR = [(12 + 6 + 10) -(6);

    -(6) (6 + 3)];

VV = [0 18]';


i1 = II(1);

i2 = II(2);

voc = 3*i2+10*i1;


Ans = {['i1 = ' num2str(i1) ' A'];

    ['i2 = ' num2str(i2) ' A'];

    ['voc = ' num2str(voc) ' V']};





Ans =


    'i1 = 0.5 A'

    'i2 = 2.3333 A'

    'voc = 12 V'




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 6, 2019