P 5.6-2 The circuit model for a photovoltaic cell is given in Figure P 5.6-2.  The current . Is proportional to the solar insolation (kW/m2).

(a) Find the load resistance  for maximum power transfer.

(b) Find the maximum power transferred when .



Figure P 5.6-2


(a) Find the load resistance  for maximum power transfer.


We know maximum power transfer is when load resistance equals Thevenin resistance, so to find Thevenin resistance, deactivate current source.

So we just have two resistors in series

So the load resistance should be same and our circuit is


(b) Find the maximum power transferred when .


The circuit now looks like

We can use current division to get current in load and then power can be found.  But we need power in Load resistor only so remember the actual circuit we are dealing with








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This page last updated on March 8, 2019