P 5.6-7 The circuit in
Figure P 5.6-7 contains a variable resistance, R, implemented using a potentiometer. The resistance of the
variable resistor varies over the range 0 ≤ R ≤ 1000 Ω. The variable
resistor can safely receive 1/4 W power. Determine the maximum power received
by the variable resistor. Is the circuit safe? |
P 5.6-7 |
To find maximum power we must
create a Thevenin circuit for rest of circuit other
than the variable resistor R. So we
start by removing that and deactivating power sources |
So we have two sets of parallel resistances
in series. Start on left |
So adding them in series we
get Thevenin resistance |
Now we have to find the open
circuit voltage between a and b so restoring the power sources we have the
circuit |
We can find the voltage at
each point by using voltage division |
So open circuit voltage is |
Since we are determining the
max power in variable R the polarity is not important, so we replace R with
same value as Rt as that provides maximum power and
our circuit can be drawn as |
Now power is |
We get current from |