DP 6-5 A microphone has an unloaded voltage  as shown in Figure DP 6-5 a.  An op-amp is available as shown in Figure DP 6-5 b.  It is desired to provide and output voltage of 4 V.  Design an inverting circuit and an non-inverting circuit and contrasts the input resistance at terminals x-y seen by the microphone.  Which configuration would you recommend in order to achieve good performance in spite of changes in the microphone resistance  ?


Hint: We plan to connect terminal a to terminal x and terminal b to terminal y or visa versa.



Figure DP 6-5


Standard inverting amplifier is

The output voltage is given by



Standard non-inverting amplifier is

The output voltage is given by



We need a gain of


Connecting microphone to inverting amplifier gives

Gain is found from


Let  and we can then solve for



Connecting microphone to non-inverting amplifier gives



Many possible choices, let


Note: Gain for inverting amp is

While for non-inverting amp gain is


So non-inverting amp does not have the resistance of microphone involved, so it is the better choice as amplifier for the microphone


For inverting amplifier one solution is

For non-inverting amplifier one solution is

Non-inverting amp is the better choice of amplifier!



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 19, 2019