P 6.4-1 Determine the node voltages for the circuit shown in Figure P 6.4-1.  


Answer: va = 2 V, vb = – 0.25 V, vc = – 5 V, vd = – 2.5 V, and ve = – 0.25 V



Figure P 6.4-1


From the op-amp rules, we know


We cannot use node d for voltage node equation directly as the op-amp is an unknown current source or sink, the equation above is the result of the presence of the op-amp.  Now we have two voltage sources so we have two equations that are



Now we can write voltage node equations for , and




Using the first of these two node equations we can plug in the known values of  and


Multiply by 40 k



From our op-amp equation we know  now we can use the other node equation to find .






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This page last updated on March 14, 2019