P 6.4-14 The circuit shown in Figure P 6.4-14 has one input, vs, and one output, vo. Show that the output is proportional to the input. Design the circuit so that vo = 20 vs.



Figure P 6.4-14

After annotating the circuit

From the rules of op-amps we can write



Write voltage node equations for  and




Solve second equation for  also plugging in



Now plug this into first equation and again plug in


Collect like terms









So  is proportional to !  Now find  that produce a gain of 20





Many possible answers.

First of all notice  is not in the gain relationship, so it can be any value you wish.  Use k values to keep currents low to op-amps.  So pick values of  that multiply to 19 and pick values of  that multiply to 20.


One possible answer is

Other answers are possible!



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This page last updated on March 15, 2019