P 6.4-18 The circuit shown in Figure P 6.4-18 has one input, vs, and one output, io. Express the gain of the circuit, io/vs, in terms of the resistances R1, R2, R3, and Ro. (This circuit contains a pair of resistors having resistance R1 and another pair having resistance R2.) Design the circuit so that io = 0.02 vs.



Figure P 6.4-18

Adding Annotations

We can see immediately that

So we need to find  So now we write out some node equations.  We have already used op-amp rules to identify similar voltages.  This is why you see two  and two .  Recall also that you cannot do a node equation immediately on the op-amp output as that is an unknown current source or sink.


First let’s deal with the supernode



Now do  node


We have two  nodes so the upper one is


Lower one gives us


The  node equation can be rearranged to give:




From the two super node equations




Which can be rewritten

Or using the other super node equation


Now plug these equations for  ,  , and  into the two  equations and we have



Plugging into first one


Plugging into second one



Since we have two equations both equal to  we can set them equal and we have



Now collect like terms


So solving for

Now substitute for

Now solve for

So the gain is given by

Now we want g = 0.02


Many possible answers, note:  is not specified in gain so it can be anything as well.


If we make  then we just need



To be safe with op-amps, make them all of the order of k


One possible answer is

Other answers are possible!



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 16, 2019