P 6.4-19 The circuit shown in Figure P 6.4-19 has one input, vs, and one output, vo. The circuit contains one unspecified resistance, R.

(a) Express the gain of the circuit, vo/vs, in terms of the resistance R.

(b) Determine the range of values of the gain that can be obtained by specifying a value for the resistance R.

(c) Design the circuit so that vo = – 3 vs.



Figure P 6.4-19

Annotating the figure

From op-amp rules we have noted voltage nodes by their values and we can also point out that  .  Again remember you cannot do node equations on nodes directly on the output of an op-amp since those are unknown current sources or sinks.


(a) Express the gain of the circuit, vo/vs, in terms of the resistance R.


Even though we know , here is the  node equation




Now do the  node equation by the 40 k resistor.


Solve for


Plug this into previous equation



Now solve for




So the gain is


(b) Determine the range of values of the gain that can be obtained by specifying a value for the resistance R.


So assume can be anything positive so



So gain can be


(c) Design the circuit so that vo = – 3 vs.







Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 16, 2019