P 6.5-12 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 6.5-12a is the voltage  .  The output is the voltage .  The voltage  is used to adjust the relationship between the input and the output.

(a) Show that the output of this circuit is related to the input by the equation



Where a and b are constants that depend on


(b) Design the circuit so that its input and output have the relationship specified by the graph shown in Figure P 6.5-12b.




Figure P 6.5-12

Annotating the circuit


(a) Show that the output of this circuit is related to the input by the equation



Where a and b are constants that depend on


There are two unique  nodes.  The two on the left are electrically connected.  So write a node equation for each the left and the right.




This equation leads to



Plug this into other equation





Solve for




So comparing with the equation given


So the coefficients are:




(b) Design the circuit so that its input and output have the relationship specified by the graph shown in Figure P 6.5-12b.


First find the equation of the line.  Use the two points (-4, 0) and (0, 5)





So we have   So we have the two conditions




There are many solutions.  To simplify let’s make the assignment



The two conditions become






Again, keep in the k range, but there are many possible answers.


Let   Then   and choose  


Find a and b




As it should be.  Now find b










One possible answer is

Other answers are possible!



Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on March 17, 2019