P 7.6-2 The current, i(t), in a 5-H inductor is

where the units of time are s and the units of current are A. Determine the power, p(t), absorbed by the inductor and the energy, w(t), stored in the inductor.

Hint: 2 (cos A)(sin B) = sin (A + B) + sin (A – B)


Power can be found from as usual

For an inductor

So if


Since L = 5 H, then v(t) is

Finding Power


For t 0  both i(t) and v(t) = 0, so P=0.


For t ≥ 0


Using the hint

2 (cos A)(sin B) = sin (A + B) + sin (A – B)




So Power is


Now for energy,

Since there was no current or power at t= 0, there was no energy stored at t = 0.




Alternatively one could find energy from



So which is correct?  Actually using the trig identity that



So that means






Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on April 13, 2019